To: Governor Tim Walz

Protect Our Lakes and Rivers from Sulfide Mining Pollution

Before saying "yes" to new sulfide mines, please make sure the mining companies and state agencies can answer these four simple questions with an unequivocal "yes":
- Will Minnesota's water stay safe and clean?
- Are there strong safeguards in place for when things go wrong?
- Will the company leave the site clean and maintenance-free?
- Will Minnesota's taxpayers be protected from cleanup costs?

Why is this important?

No sulfide mine has ever been successfully operated and closed without polluting nearby waters with sulfuric acid and toxic metals. But sulfide mines are being proposed for the first time in Minnesota, near the Boundary Waters and Lake Superior where they put our water and economy at risk. The cost for taxpayers to clean up sulfide mines in other states is estimated at $20 billion. Governor Dayton can protect our state's waters by demanding proof that mining companies can answer "yes" to these 4 simple questions. You can learn more about sulfide mining at