To: General Mills, Yoplait Division, General Mills Convenience Help Line 1-800-815-9657

Redesign Yoplait yogurt containers

Due to littering, thousands of squirrels and skunks get their heads stuck in Yoplait containers every year. It is widely documented and can be viewed on YouTube
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It is unconscionable that this is allowed to happen due solely to the fact that the yogurt cups have an inverted shape compared to other yogurt cups. Animals look for food; there is food residue in these cups -- they are accidents waiting to happen. Rarely are the animals rescued from their disasters.

We call on General Mills and its Yoplait Division to remove the inverted shape from their containers.

Why is this important?

Small animals (skunks, squirrels) looking for food find their heads stuck -- eyes, nose and mouth totally covered by Yoplait containers, which have been left as litter by unthinking people. Due to the container's inverted shape the container remains on the animal. They are rarely rescued and suffocate. All because Yoplait has a poorly designed container.