To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Remove All Unfit Leader Immediately

Proven to Hold Absolutely No Open God Connection, Yesterday's Average American Leader Remain Mentally Incapable of Responsible Leadership. Until Trained to Properly Protect God's Future, All Unfit Leader must go!

Why is this important?

In Theory, America Is Great. In Reality, America is Ethically, Spiritually and Financially Bankrupt. For Significant Time, Yesterday's Average Hopelessly Lost American Leader Foolishly Allow Precious Natural Resource Exploitation Until Artificial Resource Need Is Great. Nation Dependent upon Artificial Resource Timeplace Average Citizen In Imminent Danger. For, Continuous Manufacturing of Artificial Resource Improperly Mass Produce Waste, Toxicity and Real Debt. Lobotomized by Brain-numbing Opinion, Yesterday's Average American Leader is Mentally Incapable of Leading America From God's Future. For This Reason, Humanity Faces Extinction. This Mean. America Citizen must Accept Fact. America can No longer afford Unfit Leader.