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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

repeal the 12th Amendment to eliminate the Electoral College as the method by which we elect the ...

The purpose of this petition is to repeal the 12th Amendment to the United States Constitution which established the Electoral College as the method by which we elect our President and Vice President. The counting of the Popular Vote shall be the singular process for election as it reflects the true will of the American voting public.

Why is this important?

The Electoral College is an archaic method for electing our President and should be replaced by Popular Vote as the only process by which we elect our President. In 1804 when first enacted as the 12th Amendment to our Constitution of the United States, it had merit, but now is unnecessary and potentially a hinderance to the true and fair will of the electorate.



2023-08-03 14:07:44 -0400

1,000 signatures reached