To: AZ Judicial System and Governor Doug Ducey

Reunification for Zoie and Change AZ Adoption Laws

Reunification with Zoie Brandenburg with her birth mother and brothers. Zoie was placed for adoption but the couple was found unfit to adopt so the adoption process ceased. The courts awarded guardianship to the same couple they found unfit to adopt, based on a forged document that the courts are saying how it was signed is irrelevant .

Why is this important?

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Reunification with Zoie and her biological family.
Adoption was denied. In 2007 the courts found the potential adoptive couple to be unfit to adopt and in 2014 CPS has found that the house is not fit for the child placement but the AZ Family Court felt that since they have had the child for 8 years they should be allowed to keep her. Guardianship was based on a forged document that the courts said is irrellevant because a consent to adopt was signed in 2006 but again the couple was found unfit to adopt.
The courts are not protecting our children nor are they upholding the sanctity of the family unit. In the state of Arizona there is no time limit for the validity of a consent to adopt which allows for unfit potential adoptive parents to still keep the child as a guardian.