To: Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States

Sarah Palin must not be our next Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Veterans in America face severe challenges every day, and Sarah Palin is profoundly unqualified to provide the help, guidance and advocacy necessary to take care of them.

Stand with us and say "NO" to the appointment of Sarah Palin as VA Secretary. The position is far too important to put in the hands of someone as unqualified as her.

Why is this important?

Simply put: we don’t trust Sarah Palin to do what’s necessary for our veterans. After all, she once infamously abandoned her post as then-Governor of Alaska in order to take a lucrative position as a Fox News pundit. And she has also made comments in the past that suggest veterans suffering from PTSD are inherently unstable and violent.

Are these really the types of traits we want from someone who's supposed to lead the fight for veterans affairs? To us, couldn't be more clear that she's unfit for the job. And we want you to sign and share this petition if you agree.