To: Officials of the Bronx Zoo, Elephant Sanctuary Managers

Save the elephants of the Bronx Zoo

Recently, there have been numerous reports of the horrid conditions in which the remaining elephants of the Bronx Zoo in NYC have been forced to live and numerous animal rights' groups have called for a release of the last Bronx Zoo elephants to elephant sanctuaries elsewhere in the US. To date, the officials of the Bronx Zoo have refused to listen to the complaints about the treatment of the elephants (one example: elephants kept in isolation even though elephants are known to be very social animals) nor will they respond to accusations of mistreatment.

Why is this important?

Mistreatment of any animal is wrong, but the situation of the world's elephants (an endangered species) is especially dire.

Given that the Bronx Zoo has made no effort to treat their elephants humanely and given that they also refuse to allow willing elephant sanctuary groups to take in the remaining Bronx Zoo elephants at no cost, then it is time for the American people to voice their protest to the officials of the Bronx Zoo.

Tell the Bronx Zoo: Free the elephants!