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To: The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, and Governor Tony Evers

Say NO to lowering teaching standards in Wisconsin

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Say no to the proposal to lower teacher standards in Wisconsin by eliminating degree requirements for people teaching non-core subjects. Keep Wisconsin schools strong by promoting high standards for all of our educators.

Why is this important?

Rep. Czaja introduced a measure on the Joint Finance Committee in Gov. Walker's 2015-17 budget proposal that eliminates requirements for people to obtain a college or high school degree to teach non-core academic subjects. Additionally, the proposal states that a person does not need to earn an education degree to teach grades 6-12. This measure dramatically lowers Wisconsin's teaching standards and exploits our children's futures by placing people who are untrained and unprepared at the front of the classroom. Stand up for our children, communities, and the future of education, and say no to the proposal to lower teaching standards!



2022-08-31 00:28:57 -0400

The fight for education continues- support our students by helping to pass the Racism-Free Schools Act. Check out the link and take action.