To: Senator Richard Durbin

Senator Durbin: Protect Social Security, Medicare, And Medicaid from Benefit Cuts and End Bush Ta...

We urge you to stand up for us and make sure any fiscal deal reached ends the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% AND protects Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits from cuts. We voted for this in November, and as our elected official, we expect you to vote the same way.

Why is this important?

If a deal is not reached before Dec. 31, the Bush tax cuts will expire for everyone, and severe cuts to vital programs will occur. It's important that only the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% end, and that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are protected from benefit cuts. As a key player in the current fiscal talks in Washington, D.C. we are demanding that Illinois Senator Dick Durbin protect these programs and insist the wealthy pay their fair share.