To: Sen. James Lankford (OK-2)

Senator James Lankford: During the recess please hold open and accessible town hall meetings for ...

Your constituents are asking that you hold a town hall in the metro Oklahoma City area and across Oklahoma. Furthermore, we ask that you personally attend the event. We also ask that you hold this town hall during the evening, so that all the hard-working people of Oklahoma can more easily can attend.

Why is this important?

Thousands of Oklahomans are trying to reach you on a daily basis, Senator Lankford. We call, we email, we send posts on social media and we show up at your office. Your lack of response (outside of form letters and emails) leads us to believe that you don't care about what we think or you believe we are paid protesters and we are not. You owe all of your constituents, not just the ones who voted for you, a chance to share their concerns with you.

Thank you.