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To: Roger Goodell, National Football League, CEO

Send Matt Love To The Superbowl

The NFL is exploring the possibility of requesting artists they've selected to play at the Superbowl to pay a fee to perform. Since their top 3 artists (Katy Perry, Rhianna, and Coldplay) gave them a chilly reception, I am going to offer to pay them to allow me to play at the Superbowl. Please sign my petition to demonstrate to them that their is popular support for this. Also, please support my kickstarter campaign to fund this project:

Why is this important?

I've been thinking the NFL is kinda messed up with the wifebeating, and the head injuries, early death, etc. I think they could use a whole new image. Out with the whole thug thing, in with nice guys. Out with Bud Lite, in with Red Bull! Out with Coldplay, in with me!