To: Don Gage, Mayor, Dion Bracco, Council Member, Terri Aulman, Council Member, Cat Tucker, Council Member, Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member, Perry Woodward, Mayor Pro Tempore, and Peter Arellano, Council Member

Sign Ordinance

Repeal the sign ordinance. This will help our local businesses continue to advertise at a low cost, keep our businesses open and employ our employees.

Why is this important?

The city of Gilroy has passed an Ordinance to ban signs, personal wavers, mascots and A frames to advertise their business; with the exemption of New Dealerships and Real Estate. Signs such as these are the only way that small businesses can afford to advertise and it also brings about 70 to 80 percent of business to their location. This is unfair to the local businesses and there should be no exemptions to certain businesses.