To: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and American Museum of Natural History

Sign the Petition: Tell Science Museums to Kick Koch off the Board!

Your museum is a center of learning and a home for science. There’s no place for David Koch, or anyone behind funding the denial of man-made climate change, on the board of your trusted institution.

Why is this important?

Last month, dozens of the world’s top scientists, including several Nobel laureates, released an unprecedented letter calling on science and natural history museums to cut all ties to the fossil fuel industry.

In particular, the letter points a finger at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (DC) and the American Museum of Natural History (NY), where David Koch is a member of the board, a major donor, and an exhibit sponsor.

Oil mogul David Koch sits on the board of our nation’s largest and most respected natural history museums, while he bankrolls groups that deny climate science.

Sign this petition to the Smithsonian and the American Museum of Natural History: It’s time to get science deniers out of science museums. Kick Koch off the board!