To: Kansas Corporation Commission, Chairman Pat Apple, Commissioner Shari Feist Albrecht, Commissioner, Commissioner Jay Scott Emler, Commissioner Jay Scott Emler, The Kansas State House, and The Kansas State Senate

Stop fracking operations in the Flint Hills of Kansas near the National Tall Grass Preserve.

Quail Oil and Gas, LC Is attempting to start a fracking operation 14 miles from the National Tall Grass Preserve in the beautiful flint hills of Kansas. Please help us stop fracking operations in the flint hills that threaten this unique ecosystem and pose an earthquake threat via high-pressure wastewater disposal near the Humboldt Fault zone located under the region.

Why is this important?

This petition is to prevent a proposed fracking operation in the Flint Hills of Kansas and specifically near The National Tall Grass Preserve. Not only is this region a rare and unique ecosystem it also sits near the Humbolt fault zone a historically active fault zone that could be disturbed by high-pressure wastewater injection causing damaging earthquakes.