To: President Donald Trump, The Alaska State House, The Alaska State Senate, Governor Mike Dunleavy, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Fracking the Kenai

We are asking for a moratorium on fracking in and off the Kenai Peninsula. This petition is directed at the State and Federal decision makers.

Why is this important?

Blue Crest Energy of Texas will begin fracking off the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska this June. As data begins to come in about hydro fracking from states and communities that have been adversely affected by fracking, the news that this beautiful and wild area of Alaska is next to be fracked is disturbing. This area is home to the Kenai Moose Refuge, salmon fishing, and Beluga Whales. Tourism in this area is based on the health of the ecosystem. Fishing is world class and the area is home to many whose recreation and economics are dependent on this area being uncontaminated and having clean air and clean water. In addition, this area is very seismic, prone to earthquakes on a regular basis without the risk of fracking creating more and uncontrolled earthquakes. This affects all who live here and those who love this area and come to visit and appreciate one of the last great wild places.