To: Stacy Blackwood, Director, OC Parks, Mike O'Connell, Executive Director, Irvine Ranch Conservancy, and Erika Rivera, Executive Assistant to the Director's Office, OC Parks

STOP OC Parks From Using Toxic Herbicides

Stop OC Parks and the Irvine Ranch Conservancy from applying toxic herbicides on wild and manicured landscapes.

Why is this important?

OC Parks and the Irvine Ranch Conservancy use hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars to purchase toxic herbicides, which are regularly applied to wild and manicured landscapes.

Roundup, Aquamaster and Transline are made by Monsanto and Dow Chemical for "weed control." Their active ingredients are glyphosate and clopyralid, which are known to disrupt the biology of our environment by causing health problems in humans and wildlife.

There is a wide variety of environmentally-friendly alternatives for landscape management.

Please urge OC Parks Director Stacy Blackwood and Irvine Ranch Conservancy Executive Director Mike O'Connell to stop using these harmful petrochemicals and utilize environmentally friendly alternatives. The health of future generations is at stake. Thank you!