To: David K Lenhardt, Petsmart CEO, James M Meyers, Petco CEO, and David Bolen, Pet Supplies "Plus", CEO

Stop selling exotic birds at Petsmart, Petco and Pet Supplies "Plus"

Most people are not equipped to care for exotic birds and don't know what they're getting into when they buy one. Many people end up getting rid of the bird when the novelty wears off. Exotic bird sanctuaries across the country are overwhelmed with hundreds of unwanted and abused birds. Selling these birds only adds to this problem. Please stop selling parrots and instead establish partnerships with local bird rescues that thoroughly educate potential adopters about the special needs of these animals.

Why is this important?

I live with two rescue parrots who were either abandoned because the demands of their care were to great or given up because the bird outlived the owner. Parrots are not domestic, and demand a lot of attention and special care. My birds were lucky, but they could have ended up languishing for years, neglected in someone's back room. This is a serious issue, and pet stores need to stop adding to the problem