To: Charlottesville City Council

Stop The Illegal Ragged Mountain Water Plan!

The undersigned citizens of Charlottesville, Virginia object to the proposed dam at the Ragged Mountain Natural Area and the disregard three City Councilors have shown for our public lands, finances, infrastructure, water and rule of law.

Charlottesville’s city code requires that a public referendum of citizens is held before selling “any rights to water works”.

In pursuit of the new dam project, three of Charlottesville’s City Councilors have signed agreements with RWSA to sell rights to Charlottesville’s water and reservoirs without honoring the above mandate to let the citizens decide.

We demand that Council declare this unlawful contract null and void and protect Ragged Mountain Natural Area from all activities related to the dam project; at least until a public referendum of citizens is held.

Do not continue evading this legal protection of Charlottesville’s most important public assets. The people must have the voice we are due in this critical matter.

Please return to democratic ideals and be wary of bending to big money corporate pressure at the expense of the citizens you are charged to serve.

Ragged Mountain is a place of historical significance and ecological diversity. It's the setting of a story by Edgar Allan Poe, and is recognized by Smithsonian Institute for the diversity of bird species found there.

This place does more good for the community as a wildlife sanctuary and hiking destination than it would if polluted by a wasteful, expensive and unnecessary new dam.

Instead, please support the more practical and cost efficient option of dredging the South fork Reservoir. Dredging at South Fork would assuage the fear of a water shortage without sacrificing a wilderness/recreational spot which is beloved to our community.

Why is this important?

Three city councilors have approved the building of a dam at Ragged Mountain natural area, a project which will require the destruction of up to 200 acres of wildlife habitat- one of the coolest local hiking getaways. It's not too late to stop this unnecessary and wasteful plan. Because there has not been a public referendum giving the community a say in the issue, the whole thing is illegal. Sign a petition to tell the City Council that there is no need to destroy this unique spot when there are more ecologically and economically efficient ways to meet a city's growing water needs.