To: Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator

Stop Unlimited Carbon Pollution Now

We have the EPA’s back as they take on Big Coal and climate deniers in Congress by stopping unlimited carbon pollution.

Why is this important?

Climate change is real and is already causing harm. We are already seeing more extreme weather, and scientists predict we will continue to see more intense heat waves, more superstorms, and lower air quality from unchecked climate change.

And who is harmed most from this extreme weather? Those least able to cope: communities of color, the poor, children, and the elderly. Communities of color are more vulnerable to heat related deaths and are also more likely to live near coal plants, contributing to higher asthma rates.

It is time to fight back, and the Obama administration is doing just that. The EPA has taken a historic step and, for the first time ever, is proposing to limit carbon pollution from power plants, which emit 40% of U.S. carbon pollution. Power plants will be required to reduce their pollution by 30% by 2030.

You can bet Big Coal will fight tooth and nail to stand in the way of a clean energy future. Congress itself is the last refuge for ignoring reality, with a whopping 160 climate science deniers who took nearly $60 million in dirty energy contributions.

With the forces of the status quo rallying, we need to have the EPA’s back and stand up for bold action to control dangerous carbon pollution from power plants.

Join me in standing behind EPA to stop polluters from emitting unlimited carbon pollution.