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To: Democratic National Party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic National Party Chairwomen, and Donna Brazile, Vice chair of voter registration & participation

Super Delegates: The people's vote matters

If the Democratic National Party does not repeal the super delegate system at the DNC national convention in July and lets super delegates decide the nominee, and not let the popular vote of Democrats nationwide decide. Lets show them what happens when they ignore the voice of the people and leave the party, and start a new party based off the ideals of the democratic party. That will not throw the vote of its members away.

Why is this important?

I'm starting this petition because like many other democrats I'm disgusted with a system that ignores the principles of democracy by ignoring the popular vote of its members on deciding who should represent it in the race for the presidency. I don't want our party to split but we need to stand up for our representation in this party and not let the party elites override the average democrats vote.