To: Ira H. Thomas Sr., District 1 OPSB Board Member, Cynthia Cade, District 2 OPSB Board Member, Sarah Usdin, District 3 OPSB Board Member, Leslie Ellison, District 4 OPSB Board Member, Seth Bloom, District 5 OPSB Board Member, Woody Koppel,...

Supporting A Vision for Quality Education in New Orleans

It's up to all of us- parents, educators, community members, elected officials, and school leaders- to make the promise of a great school for every child a reality. By signing this petition, I stand for city-wide collaboration with United Teachers of New Orleans in support for great schools for great students.

Why is this important?

Post-Katrina, schools in New Orleans are disconnected and our city does not have a shared vision for quality schools for all children. We believe children learn to their fullest potential when we are uniting to ensure that all students receive a quality education. Public input from all New Orleans stakeholders in decision-making is essential to the success of our students and our schools. Let’s unite under a shared quality school vision to equip all students for a successful future. Please view the quality school vision here: