To: Brian Lindsey, Superintendent, Chad Holden, Principal, Mary Ann Stegall, Assistant Superintendent, Clayton Wood, Board Member, Terri Snipes, Board Member, Willis Thompson, Board Member, Celia Rudoloh, Board Member, and Farrell Southern, ...


Hayleigh has been a redhead for the past 3 years. However, when she tried to start her first day of school on her sophomore year, she was sent home before she could even go to home room. Her administrators deemed her hair color to be distracting. These are the same administrators who have been there the past 3 years she has been a redhead. BUT now, for some reason, she has been sent home and told to change it. Please sign in saying that you feel Hayleigh should be able to keep the red she has and that is a part of her personality!

Why is this important?

Red is a natural hair color and all redheads come in a wide variety of shades. Hayleigh loves red and loves her red hair. Help her voice that what she has been is okay to keep being!