To: The DNC

Tell the DNC: Eliminate undemocratic "superdelegates" for all future primaries!

It's simple: The winner of the Democratic Primary should be the candidate who receives the most votes.

But that's not how it works thanks to "superdelegates" – 712 party insiders whose votes can overrule yours and mine.

Tell the DNC: Let our elections be decided by the people. Eliminate the superdelegate system for all future primaries!

Why is this important?

It’s common sense: Elections should go to whichever candidate gets the most votes. But in the Democratic Party’s primary system, that’s not how it works.

Candidates also need to win a lot of “superdelegates” – unaccountable party insiders that make up almost one-fifth of the “delegates” up for grabs in the primary. That means superdelegates have about same voting power as 5.5 million ordinary voters in Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan!

Even worse, the 712 unelected, “superdelegates” get to vote however they want, regardless of which candidate ordinary voters choose. So even if voters choose one candidate in a close primary race for president, these superdelegates could overrule the people if it doesn’t go their way.

Superdelegates like DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz shouldn’t have more of a say than you or me just because she’s a party insider. And superdelegates should NOT be able to overrule the will of the voters.

Tell the DNC: Bring back democracy to the Democratic primary process and eliminate the superdelegate system for all future primaries!