To: Karen Miller, California Public Utilities Commission Public Adivsor and Karen Miller, Public Advisor to the California Public Utilities Commission

Tell the PUC: Replace San Onofre with 100% clean energy!

While the retirement of a risky and increasingly expensive nuclear plant moves California forward, we cannot allow it to result in more pollution. Replacing the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station with dirty gas plants will harm our climate, pollute our air, and increase my energy bill. We can do better. I urge you to replace San Onofre with 100% clean energy and protect our health, the climate, and the environment.

Why is this important?

The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is considering huge new gas-fired power plants to replace the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Our leaders have a choice: make this setback a minor blip on the road to a safer climate by relying on clean energy solutions or lock-in 40 years of new fossil fuels by building huge new polluting gas plants.