To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

Thank Governor Cuomo For His Leadership On Fracking!

Governor Cuomo, thank you for your bold and determined leadership. By concluding that fracking is too dangerous to proceed in New York, you not only stood up for the people of your state but for people in communities across the country who are suffering from the consequences of fracking. You have earned a place in history.

Why is this important?

Instead of caving to pressure from the oil and gas industry, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Department of Environmental Conservation has just concluded that the health risks of fracking are too great, and it will not permit the controversial practice to move forward in the state. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a controversial technique in which oil and gas drillers blast millions of gallons of water mixed with toxic chemicals into the ground to extract oil and gas from hard-to-reach deposits deep in the earth.

Never before has a state with proven gas reserves banned fracking. This is a hard-fought victory that belongs to the brave people of New York who have been speaking out against fracking for years. By sending a strong message to Governor Cuomo, we can ensure that this victory will be one for the history books.