To: The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, and Governor Roy Cooper

Unfreeze the North Carolina teacher pay scale and move all teachers to their correct step

Our state legislature and governor have embarked on a course that is detrimental to the future of public education in this state, that devalues and insults veteran teachers, that discourages younger teachers to make a long term commitment to the state, that silences teachers by taking away their right to due process, and that dishonors the commitments that have been made to the teachers of North Carolina who have been struggling to "do more with less." Teachers, by the nature of their commitment, are not "greedy" but do demand that our salary schedule be honored and our wages raised to a point that reflects both commitment and value on the part of the state. These cries have been falling on the deaf ears of a legislature that refuses to listen to the people of North Carolina.

Why is this important?

I am a veteran teacher in the state of North Carolina. I have been devalued and insulted one time too many.