To: Jay Rodne, Washington State Representative

WA Rep. Jay Rodne - Resign and Apologize

Bigotry has no place receiving a taxpayer subsidy. Combat experience does not make one qualified to comment on whether the west is "compatible with Islam," nor does it make it less bigoted to refer to Muslims as "brutal barbarians." We demand that Rep. Rodne resign his post and issue an apology for spreading bigotry and giving ISIL fuel for propaganda.

Why is this important?

Representative Rodne has received media attention regarding his anti-Muslim comments. ( Muslims are being attacked in America on a daily basis due to vitriol and hate after the Paris attacks. We cannot allow politicians or public officials to spread a hateful message without push back. We must demonstrate that only love can conquer hate; we must drown out their hateful messages with statements of love and solidarity for those targeted by racist, xenophobic violence.