To: Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR-5), Sen. Ron Wyden (OR-1), and Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR-2)

Wage Peace, Not War

Before the United States engages in further military action, I want you to answer my question: My question is just this: Why don't we try waging all-out peace instead of war? Until we wage all-out peace, I fear we will just continue to find reasons and enemies to fight wars. Peace is less costly in both blood and treasure and is its own reward.

Why is this important?

As the nation gears up for "limited" military action in Iraq and Syria against ISIS (ISIL) we are looking at a likelihood of being once again sucked into a black hole of perpetual war. War has never worked as a lasting means of peace and, in fact, more often exacerbates the problems at enormous costs of lives (military and civilian), treasure, and deepened resentments.

Waging all-out peace is the idea whose time has long since come. Let's do things differently, smarter for a positive change. Hezbollah won the hearts of the people in Lebanon not through war but through building hospitals and providing for people's needs. Surely we can do even more, and save lives, save money, and build bridges while we do.