To: The United States Senate

Women and Families Need Paid Maternity and Paternity Leave!

Tell your U.S. Senators: "Please sign on as a co-sponsor of the FAMILY Act before leaving for the August recess!"

Why is this important?

Did you know that having a baby is a leading cause of poverty spells in this country? Shocking, but true, and one major reason is that because only 12% of Americans have access to paid family (maternity/paternity) leave through their employers. The Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act would fix this.

Given that for the first time in history, moms make up 3/4 of the labor force and are the primary breadwinners for half of U.S. families, it's no surprise that paid family leave is an incredibly popular issue with voters across party lines. What is surprising is that only five — FIVE! — U.S. Senators have signed on to co-sponsor the bill so far.

It's going to take all our voices, our letter signatures, our actions to get more co-sponsors. And co-sponsorship of bills matters. It matters because the more co-sponsors a bill has, the more seriously the bill is taken and the better chance it has of moving forward to full passage.

The FAMILY (Family and Medical Insurance Leave) Act would provide workers — including those who are self-employed and/or work part-time — with much-needed income while they, or a family member, deal with the arrival of a new baby or a serious health issue. Eligible employees could take up to 60 work days (12 weeks) away from their job with partial wage replacement (up to 66% of their typical wages) to take care of themselves or a family member in a one-year period. Employees and employers would <span class="profanity">contribute</span> just two cents for every $10 in wages. Self-employed and part-time employees would earn paid family and medical leave as well.

No one should have to give up a paycheck to take care of loved ones. Let your U.S. Senators know you want them to co-sponsor the Family Act now!