To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Wounded Knee

The federal government, at the initiative of the President should buy, expropriate, or acquire the site of the massacre at Wounded Knee and turn it into a monument. The United States has since its inception carried out a racist Holocaust against Native Americans, broken the treaties it made, confiscated land, destroyed a culture, and herded free and ancient peoples into concentration camps called reservations where they reside to this day. These crimes against humanity are a record of shame that stains the flag and identity of the United States. To allow it to be commercially developed and not preserved as a memorial would be yet another stain.

Why is this important?

The federal government, at the initiative of the President should buy, expropriate, or acquire by any means the site of the massacre at Wounded Knee and turn it into a monument. The United States has since its inception carried out a racist Holocaust against Native Americans, broken the treaties it made, confiscated land, destroyed a culture, and herded free and ancient peoples into concentration camps called reservations where they reside to this day. These crimes against humanity are a record of shame that stains the flag and identity of the United States. Not to honor this site and create a memorial would be yet another stain. See