To: The New Jersey State House and The New Jersey State Senate

Bring New Jersey back into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative!

Stop Gov. Christie from giving polluters a pass and making our global climate crisis that much worse. Put New Jersey back in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and make us a leader in the fight against climate change.

Why is this important?

People are taking to the streets by the tens of thousands to demand elected leaders act quickly to stop global climate change -- but some politicians just aren’t listening.

Governor Chris Christie yanked NJ from a regional program that reduces climate changing pollution. The courts have called it an illegal stunt, and recently legislators in Trenton started a process that could reverse it. The best part? Christie won't even be able to veto it.

New Jersey has already felt the effects climate change through the devastation of Superstorm Sandy. We should be on the front lines of this fight. If Chris Christie won’t show leadership on this issue, our legislators have to step up and do the right thing for our state and our planet.