To: Governor Tony Evers

Wisconsin's Minimum Wage Is Illegal

Wisconsin state law requires that minimum wage be a "living wage." With a $7.25 an hour minimum wage, Wisconsin is violating its own state law. Help raise the wage for Wisconsin workers!

Why is this important?

Wisconsin's minimum wage law (Chapter 104) states that the minimum wage must provide a decent standard of living. Wisconsin's $7.25 hourly minimum wage is simply not a living wage. On September 24th, as part of the Raise Wisconsin campaign, 100 low-wage workers filed minimum wage complaints with Governor Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, demonstrating the daily struggles that Wisconsin's minimum wage workers face.

Less than two weeks later, the Walker Administration stated that they found "no reasonable cause" to raise the minimum wage. Well, we find no reasonable cause for Walker's reelection. If Walker won't give Wisconsin a raise, it's time to elect a Governor who will.