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To: Brett T. Rondeau, James A. Crandall, David A. Zepczyk, Marty Milanowski, Thomas Snilsberg, Fred Strand, Dennis M. Pocernich, Jeffrey Silbert, Jeremy Oswald, Harold A. Maki, Larry Fickbohm, Thomas J. Gordon, George P. Newago, Gary A. Mer...

Ashland and Bayfield County: Declare a Climate Emergency

We are demanding that Ashland and Bayfield County Boards declare a climate emergency. We need to acknowledge the crisis that is before us and hold decision makers accountable to the looming global deadline. Here is a sample climate emergency resolution:

Why is this important?

Our county boards need a wakeup call to the crisis that lies before us! northern Wisconsin has felt the impacts of climate change firsthand and if no mitigating action is taken within the next decade, our future will be in jeopardy. We can't begin to take action without first addressing that the crisis is a reality.


2020-04-06 19:08:58 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-04-06 18:08:53 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-04-06 17:07:31 -0400

10 signatures reached