To: The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, and Governor Tim Walz

Ban All Private Funding of Political Campaigns

Ban all private funds in Minnesota's campaigns and elections via laws or amending the State Constitution.

Why is this important?

When it comes to calling for a Constitutional Convention or otherwise changing the Constitution to "reverse Citizens United", our state officials make up excuses about a convention being too risky, having no control over national politics, or passing a resolution calling for a change in the Constitution doesn't actually do anything unless other states join in (of course, the lawmakers in other states say the same - making it a vicious circle of inaction).

This gets around that by instructing them to alter Minnesota's Constitution. Other cities and states have done this, so there's no excuse not to do it unless the politicians want to keep the existing state of fascism via corporate plutocracy and campaign bribery in place.

Why sign this? Are we in a democracy if money controls who we vote for and elect? Is the government representing the people if those running it are more concerned about campaign finance than their constituents?