To: President of Walgreens and Richard Asworth, President

Tell Walgreens to Stop Facilitating Republican Attacks on Democracy in Wisconsin

Tell Walgreens to stop using its dollars to fund Republican attacks on democracy in Wisconsin.

Show Walgreens it should respect OUR votes and reign in its corporate arrogance and greed. Our democracy will not be sold to the highest bidder simply for corporate tax breaks

Why is this important?

We facilitate the erosion of our democracy with every dollar we give to companies that do not care about protecting democracy. Walgreens is paying off Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin $1,000 and $6,000 at a time for corporate tax breaks. This is while Republicans legislators are undermining democracy by power grabbing before a Democratic governor and attorney general step in. Wisconsin is not a corporate prize to win. The rise of corporate self interest has been meteoric. We must act, so let’s get going. Stop buying from Walgreens and tell them to stop helping Republicans undermine American democracy .