To: President Donald Trump

Clean Up the Radiation Spill at Fukushima

Focus your full attention on bringing together world leaders and top scientists to solve the problem of the radiation leaking into the Pacific Ocean at the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. This is the most important problem facing the survival of the human race at this time.

Why is this important?

Unless world leaders and top scientists focus their full attention on solving the ongoing problems at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant then life as we know it will not continue. Fukushima continues to spill radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean and if this spill is not contained swiftly then the Pacific Ocean and everything it touches will be contaminated with radiation, which will result in the deaths of millions of people. Those of us living in the Western U.S., like myself, my family, and my friends, will lose our lives and our loved ones early as radiation sickness spreads.