To: James Goldston, President, ABC News

Don't let ABC give a voice to conspiracy-monger and pedophile apologist Alex Jones

On January 4 ABC will be broadcasting a 2-hour special on the 1993 Branch Davidian siege at Waco, relying heavily on commentary from media personality Alex Jones. While Jones identified crucial lapses in the official narrative of the siege, he also inaccurately portrayed the actions of the FBI and ATF as a conspiracy against peaceful religious people. Most damningly, he minimized the crimes of David Koresh, particularly his molestation of several of the cult's children. Urge ABC to cut the Jones footage or take note of Jones's well-documented career of inaccurate and irresponsible pronouncements.

Why is this important?

As someone who's familiar with the events at Waco and ithe tragedy's subsequent politicization by the Republican party and the NRA, I'm deeply disturbed to see an accredited news organization citing a conspiracy-monger as an authority. As someone who cares about the rights of children, I'm incensed to see ABC giving a voice to someone who's defended a sexual abuser.