To: FEMA - Nancy Ward, Region 9 Administrator

FEMA: Do Not Fund Clear Cutting Trees & Roundup

Clear cutting 60,000 trees and then spraying 30,000 gallons of herbicide (roundup) is not the way to do fire prevention. In these days of global warming, we need our trees to sequester carbon dioxide. We need to keep poisons out of our environment. We need nature for our children.
We ask FEMA not to fund the clear cutting of trees in the East Bay Hills' canyons and parks. We ask FEMA to ban the use of roundup in all public places, parks and recreational areas.

Why is this important?

Berkeley and Oakland California were blessed with the leadership of John Muir. We have a wonderful park system in the East Bay Hills. Now FEMA, under the guise of fire prevention, is considering funding clear cutting our beloved forests - eliminating 60,000 trees - and then spraying 30,000 gallons of Monsanto Round-up twice a year for 10 years. This is "eco-cide" - genocide of our ecology, and has to stop.