To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Honesty in Politics

We should make our decisions about our representatives and our leaders based on “facts” not beliefs. In order to do that we need to know the truth about a given issue, action or history. We need to insist that our representatives create law that requires ALL politicians to tell the absolute truth in ALL situations. Not their version of the truth, but the real, absolute truth that is verifiable. Violations should be fined severely. If an individual is caught stretching the truth frequently, they would be removed from office. If a campaign misrepresents their opponent in an ad they would be fined severely. If a network chooses to report other than the truth, they too would be severely fined. Likewise for corporations. On this scale, the fines must be crippling or the law won't have an impact. We also need a specific group of citizens that does nothing but monitor and uphold honesty in politics.

Why is this important?

I was having a political discussion with my nephew and it occurred to me that he and I believed a completely different set of "facts" about the same situation. We should not rely simply on "belief" to decide the direction and future of our country. We need to demand total honesty from our representatives, leaders and government.