To: The California State House and Governor Gavin Newsom

I Support the Schools LA Students Deserve

As parents, students, and community members who are committed to improving our schools for all students, we support Reclaim Our Schools LA and UTLA’s demands

Why is this important?

Funding the future—by increasing per student funding from just over $10,000 per year to $20,000 per student by the year 2020 (20 by 20!) California is 46th out of the 50 states in per student funding.
Supporting students— by reducing class sizes, hiring more nurses, counselors, social workers and teacher librarians. Hiring more special education teachers and specialists and by investing in dual language programs, ensuring student access to ethnic studies, visual & performing arts, early education and career & technical education.
Defending the teaching profession— LAUSD should attract and retain high-quality educators through competitive salaries, quality healthcare, support for LAUSD employees pursuing careers in education and by ensuring healthy working conditions
Empowering our communities—by investing in Community Schools, requiring charter schools to provide equal access, transparency, and due process rights and use the district’s leverage to advance affordable housing and support for homeless students, access to green space on campuses, support for immigrant families, access to public transportation without “stop and frisk” searches, & an end to psychologically damaging “random” searches of students
I stand in support of these critical demands for the Schools LA Students Deserve!