To: The United States Senate

NO to chemical industry insider Michael Dourson leading EPA toxics office!

I urge you to oppose President Trump's nomination of Michael Dourson to lead the EPA's toxics office.

Dourson has had a long career helping the chemical industry downplay concerns about their products. Someone with such extensive conflicts of interest does not belong at the EPA.

Please stand up for the health of our families, and oppose this dangerous nomination.

Why is this important?

Clean and safe water is a human right. Full stop.

Michael Dourson has spent his career helping companies like Dupont shirk responsibility for contaminating groundwater with dangerous chemicals known to harm kids and families. How does he make sense working at the very office charged with protecting us? He doesn't.

The Senate could vote on Dourson any day. Let’s make sure our voices are heard loud and clear.

Our health, our families and our water are NOT for sale to the chemical industry. Join us in telling the Senate NO to Michael Dourson.