To: Jerry Wray, Director Ohio Department of Transportation and Kimberly Conklin, Transportation Administrator, Lorain County

ODOT: Add a new access point on State Route 57 north of Chestnut Ridge

ODOT needs to help Elyria and Lorain County citizens with one of the worst traffic situations in our area. The intersection of State Route 57 and Chestnut Ridge needs help. ODOT, please approve a new access to State Route 57 north of the Walmart property and build a new entrance and exit at that point. Work with EPA, Elyria and Lorain County governments to fix this problem.

Why is this important?

The State Route 57 and Chestnut Ridge intersection has been a problem ever since Walmart was built. The traffic congestion is always bad and it gets really severe during peak shopping times. With more business planned east and south of the intersection, it is only going to get worse. ODOT needs to take the lead on fixing this horrible situation.