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To: Steven Fischer, U.S. Coast Guard District 13 bridge program administrator, Shane Slate, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District project manager, David Groeschl, Idaho Department of Lands director, and June Bergquist, Idaho Depa...

Petition to Deny & Revoke Permits for the BNSF Sandpoint Junction Connector Project

We, the undersigned, oppose Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway’s Sandpoint Junction Connector project activities and construction of 2.2 miles of doubled tracks and two temporary and three permanent, parallel bridges across Lake Pend Oreille, Sand Creek, and Sandpoint, Idaho. This railroad infrastructure expansion and resulting, bi-directional, train passage would significantly, cumulatively, and adversely impact regional, lake and aquifer water resources, air quality, wetlands, shorelines, native fish, wildlife, and threatened bull trout and their habitats, indigenous rights and cultures, human and environmental health and safety, emergency response capacities, earthquake and disaster resilience, historic sites, vehicle travel at rail crossings, boat navigation, tourism, recreation, businesses, residences, property and economic values, and other, public interest factors, and would increase the ongoing and potential traffic, noise, pollution, and accident and derailment dangers of fossil fuels and hazardous materials trains. We request that local, state, and federal, elected, appointed, and agency officials conduct rigorous reviews and analyses of this project, including environmental impact studies and statements, and denounce, deny, and revoke all permits for this negligent and culpable project.

Why is this important?

Concerned citizens request government review and permit rejection of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway’s proposal to build and use additional train tracks and temporary and permanent bridges across Lake Pend Oreille, Sand Creek, and Sandpoint, Idaho, and thus significantly, adversely impact public and environmental health and safety.



5 years ago

100 signatures reached