To: Donald Trump, President-elect

President-elect Trump must acknowledge and address Climate Change

President-elect Trump,
It is imperative that you acknowledge Climate Change as a legitimate issue facing our nation, and vow to address this issue during your time in office.

Why is this important?

The democratic process has spoken, and Donald Trump will be sworn in as the President of the United States on January 20, 2017. Whether or not you supported Trump in the election is no longer an issue. The issue at hand is this: You love this planet. As an outdoorsman or woman your time spent outdoors is therapeutic, exhilarating, singular, and convivial all at the same time. The unfortunate truth (No pun intended) is that our President-elect does not believe in climate change. Environmental science has come too far to be dismissed as a "hoax" implemented by our industrial competition to keep us out of a global manufacturing economy. The fact of the matter is that the United States has evolved past the industrial revolution, if this nation wants to become an industrial powerhouse again it will have to be done in an environmentally conscious manner. That's where you come in, sign this petition to get President-elect Trump to start by simply ACKNOWLEDGING that Climate Change exists, and we'll take it from there, as a nation.