To: Donald Trump, President-Elect

President-Elect Trump: Sell your businesses and remove yourself completely from conflicts of inte...

Americans deserve a president who is accountable only to them, not to his businesses or foreign business partners. Tell Donald Trump to sell off his business and put it in a true blind trust so he can’t be bribed or corrupted by foreign governments or corporate interests.

Why is this important?

President-Elect Donald Trump tweeted on Wednesday, November 30 that he will be leaving his business “in total” to focus on the presidency. Simply removing himself from the daily operations of his business and putting his children or close advisers in charge will do nothing to prevent corruption, bribery, and conflicts of interest. We don’t even know the full extent of Trump’s business interests – but we do know that he has already talked to several foreign leaders about doing business in their countries.

Trump must sell his businesses to people who aren’t his children, liquidate all his holdings, and place all of them in a truly blind trust over which he has no control. This is the ethical, legal, and constitutional thing to do to ensure he is making decisions on behalf of Americans, not to further enrich himself and his family.

Americans deserve a president who is accountable only to them, not to his businesses or foreign business partners. Tell Donald Trump to sell off his business and put it in a true blind trust so he can’t be bribed or corrupted by foreign governments or corporate interests.