To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Remove tax-exempt status from Roy Moore foundation for breaking the law

Foundation for Moral Law, headed by salaried Mrs. Roy Moore is using tax-exempt status illegally. Demand the IRS remove their status immediately.

"In return for its favored tax-status, a charitable nonprofit promises the federal government that it will not engage in “political campaign activity” and if it does, IRS regulations mandate that the charitable nonprofit will lose its tax-exempt status."

"The federal tax law is very strict on the issue of political campaigning: A 501(c)(3) organization is absolutely forbidden to directly or indirectly participate in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Violation of this prohibition could lead the IRS to completely revoke your organization's tax-exempt status or impose excise taxes on your organization."

Foundation for Moral Law website:

Why is this important?

Mrs. Roy Moore is using tax exempt corporation to engage in politics. This is illegal. Please revoke the tax exempt non-profit status for The Foundation for Moral Law EIN# 03-0502850 at once.