To: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Resist Trump's Sham Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan

Rescind your anti-science draft Lobo recovery plan and construct a plan that will lead to real recovery for these wolves that are in immediate risk of extinction.

Why is this important?

Since their release back to the wild in 1998, the Mexican gray wolf, also known as the Lobo, has struggled to recover. After almost 20 years, there are still only just over 100 individuals in the wild. Many obstacles face the Lobo on their road to recovery, including poaching, politics, and constantly declining genetic diversity.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) very own Science and Planning Subgroup said to fully restore the Lobo, there must be at minimum 750 wolves in three distinct populations, including in the Grand Canyon region in northern Arizona and southern Utah and the Southern Rockies region in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado.

Despite these recommendations, FWS just released their new Draft Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan that authorizes downlisting these severally endangered wolves only after their population reaches 320 for four years and completely delisting the Lobo after 8 years. This is just half the population recommended by the agency’s own scientists. This draft recovery plan is a sham that was created behind closed doors and is not based on science. We need more wolves, less politics!

For more information, visit Lobos of the Southwest and the Endangered Species Coalition: