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To: The Maine State House, The Maine State Senate, and Governor Janet Mills

Revoke Central Maine Power's License To Operate A Utility

We need a Maine based company with reasonable rates, accurate meters, and a billing system that doesn't overcharge customers; a company that is honest with the consumer and has complete transparency when issues arise.

Why is this important?

Central Maine power has been overcharging customers since 2011, is unethical in their business practices, has lied (and continues to do so) to their customers and the MPUC (this is how they managed to push through the Certificate of Public need for the NECEC). Mainer’s want a Maine based Consumer owned utility with reasonable rates, SAFE & RELIABLE power, MAINE based customer service centers, NO corporate greed . Maine people should be able to live their lives “the way life should be” instead of working just to pay a utility bill. CMP has higher rates than NY without N.Y. Incomes. We want and NEED a PUBLIC owned utility company.
Why should we be Consumer owned? 1) WE OWN the lines, assets, and the Maine grid - 2) It’s a NON-PROFIT Company (no more lining the greedy pockets of foreign shareholders) - 3) All profits are required to go back into the company for maintenance and upgrades to our grid, including vegetation management. - 4) Run by our MAINE citizens - 5) we will have REAL transparency - 6) MAINE citizens WILL have a say in the decision making - 7) All of our PERSONAL INFORMATION will be BACK in Maine not in SPAIN.
*** Maine Consumer UTILITY NOT COMPANY***



2023-09-26 21:42:44 -0400

Going to need everyone to share the truth and facts about cmp with all your family and friends. We all have worked so hard to get thos petition to come to vote. It is my understanding if this goes through CMP will have no recourse. They will be out. As you know they are lying in their campaign ads. We need to all level up and work hard to get them out. Sharing the true facts that I am going to post should help. Lets bring this home like we did this petition.We are for Maine not Spain now lets get them packed up and shipped out. You all got this,utilities%20and%20to%20the%20public.