To: Governor Ron DeSantis

Rick Scott is hurting working Floridians–again!

Governor Rick Scott: Stop blocking federal funds to cover the working uninsured through Obamacare. Currently our state ranks 49th out of 50 for the highest percentage of working people without health insurance. That's disgraceful. We won't rest until you have heard the voice of the people affected by your stubborn refusal to help the citizens of Florida. You know there are millions of struggling and suffering Floridians. Do you care?

Why is this important?

Obamacare makes it possible for working people who do not have employer-provided health care to acquire affordable health insurance. Each of us knows someone who is struggling with this devastating problem. Governor Rick Scott continues to block available federal funding for working Floridians without insurance. It is up to us to stop Scott from stopping health care for those who need it most.