To: Susan Baskett, Trustee, Andy Thomas, Secretary, Simone Lightfoot, Trustee-Parliamentarian, Christine Stead, Vice President, Deb Mexicotte, President, Glenn Nelson, Treasurer, and Irene Patalan, Trustee

Save Our Custodians!

Keep important members of our communities in positions where they can take care of their families and our schools. Do not privatize/outsource custodial jobs in the Ann Arbor Public Schools.

Why is this important?

As a graduate of and teacher in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, I know how important it is both for our custodians and for our schools to be a part of the AAPS community. The last few years, our custodians have faced even larger wage cuts than teachers, and despite this have strived to keep our schools in good shape with a bare bones staff. This year, our custodians are facing the prospect of being laid off so that the board can outsource their jobs to even more poorly paid employees. This will hurt our schools and crucial members of our community who have worked hard to weather the funding storm with us in Michigan schools, and should be stopped. Savings should be found elsewhere until we can find a better way to fund education in Michigan.